2020 Summer Programs
Summer Classes June 30-July 23
Summer Schedule – Updated 6/24/20
Strive Summer Intensive July 27-August 6
Strive Schedule
Petite Ballet Study Guide
Level 1-3 Ballet Study Guide
This year, students will not be required to write down the Code of Conduct.
Summer Registration Form
Summer Class Policies
Please mail registration and payment to:
LaBelle Performing Arts
8253 Chellie Road
Pensacola, FL 32526
You can also email your completed registration form to caroline@labelleperformingarts.com and we will contact you regarding payment.
Any questions can be directed to caroline@labelleperformingarts.com or frontdesk@labelleperformingarts.com
May 2020
Please check out our website for detailed information about our re-opening and recital plans. Happy Mother’s Day! Applications for the new LaBelle Academy of the Arts are due May 15th. We will be closed May 25th Memorial Day! Strive Summer Intensive, July 27th-August 6th. Summer Classes are June 30 – July 23! Congratulations to our April Student of the Month, Avery Adkinson!
April 2020
Everyone should have received an emailed invoice for April Tuition, tuition is due April 7th. We are really missing our students, so seeing everyone’s face weekly has been a blessing. Happy Easter! He Is Risen! Please read “The Note From Mrs. Jeannie” about our upcoming events and cancellations during this pandemic! Congratulations to our February Student of the Month, Selene Parks!
March 2020
Costume Week March 9-14. Outstanding balances must be paid in order for a student to receive their costume. Photo Week March 30-April 4. Program Ads and Photo Orders, Remember to get your orders in by April 11th. Program and T-shirt Orders are due May 2nd. LPA Welcomes Mackenzie Bennett to our staff! Congratulations to our February Student of the Month, Carter Brandt!
February 2020
Happy Valentines Day LaBelle Family! For safety and allergy reasons, we are asking everyone to NOT bring their pets (dogs, cats, or any other animals included) into the studio. LaBelle will be open for Presidents Day February 17th. LPAC and The PAC have done very well in their first two competitions. Congratulations to our January student of the month, Savannah Turberville!
January 2020
Just a reminder that students planning to participate in the end-of-the year performances will not be allowed more than four absences after Feb. 1st. Late costume payments are due January 31st. For safety and allergy reasons, we are asking everyone to NOT bring their pets (dogs, cats, or any other animals included) into the studio anymore. LaBelle will be OPEN Jan. 20th Martin Luther King Jr. Day. Congratulations to our student of the month, CJ Smith!